Celebrities With Gray Hair Styles

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Celebrity gray hairstyles . . . to go gray or not to go gray, that’s the question!

Gray hair styles are making news. Nicole Kidman made news when she showed up at the NYC premiere of her new film, Australia, showing the gray hair! Who woulda thunk it? Showing her gray roots, right out there for everyone to see!! Was it intentional? Looks that way wouldn’t you say? In Hollywood, to show this much gray hair at her age, (a meer 41) is rather unheard of . . . or is it?

Inside Edition aired a piece this week featuring, Anne Kreamer, the author of the book, Going Gray. I think I heard something a while back about this woman who did an explicit experiment concerning the opposite sex’s true perceptions regarding women with gray hair. Somehow I forgot to write it down and forgot to pick up the book.

In short, her experiment involves joining an online dating service where she posts two identical profiles in every way excepting her hair color. She photoshopped her own picture in both gray and brown hair and took her scientific quest to a number of different cities across country.

What an interesting experiment it turned out to be! Don’t miss it . . . I’ll leave that for you to read for yourself in Anne’s own words in an article More magazine featured.

On Inside Edition they were quick to point out a handful of celebrity gray hairstyles that have been showing up as of late. Actually, I loved Meryl Streep, with her silvery locks in, Devil Wears Prada. I think this great silvery-gray hair color, coupled with this fabulous gray hairstyle on Meryl, is the best look I’ve seen on her! It was tough deciphering whether it was or wasn’t a wig.

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Meryl Streep with the latest celebrity gray hairstyle color

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Queen Helen Mirren, at 62 looks daunting going au-natural!

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Jamie Lee Curtis- another gray hairstyle celebrity

Judy Dench — lovely gray hair style celebrity!

An interesting bit Kreamer shares in her story . . . “I was appalled to find out when I did the math that I had spent, over the 25 years that I had dyed my gray hair, $65,000!” According to Anne, more women are sporting a bold new look and saving lots of money doing so. If you want a fun read this winter to hunker down with, check out this book!

A heads up; Not all those gray-haired celebrity hairstyle beauties are wearing the natural gray hair mother nature has given them. Even gray hair can be greatly enhanced with rinses, color and bluing agents to give a brighter, more silvery shimmer!

Next time you place an order at Amazon take a peak at “Going Gray, Looking Great! by Diana Lewis Jewell,” she’s the guru on the topic and for more great hair color ideas check out our Pinterest Hair Coloring Ideas Board.

You might also want to check out my other grey hair style articles:




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Celebrities With Gray Hair Styles


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