Miley Cyrus: Short Hair is Here to Stay!

Get used to it, celebrity gossip followers: the new Miley Cyrus’ haircut is not going anywhere.

“You will never see me with long hair again!” Cyrus exclaimed this week to E! News. “My fiancé [Liam Hemsworth] loves it… It’s so easy and [I] don’t need to wash it. It looks better grungy.”

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Miley adds that she “hated” her old hair extensions and felt like she was wearing “a bun everyday” of her life. That’s never fun, right, ladies?

But enough about her look. What about her sound?!?

A new Miley Cyrus album is reportedly due out by the end of 2013. And while Cyrus wouldn’t reveal any details behind it, she did tease:

“[My fans] are dying for new music. So, I’m excited to push play and have the world hear it!”

Miley Cyrus: Short Hair is Here to Stay!


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