How to Do Your Hair – Sectioning

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Hair Styling How To: Section Hair

Sectioning hair is not rocket science . . . and when you apply it to your hair styling routine, it will save your hair from unnecessary damage, result in a better hairstyle, and actually quicken the process of getting out the door . . . what could be better than that?

This is an essential skill professionals use regularly for hair coloring, perm application, blow drying, straightening and curling long hair.  Here are some how-to’s that professional hairdressers use to pull it off properly.

Before you begin styling your hair, divide the hair into sections, and clip them out-of-the-way.  It’s that simple! Here are some easy steps for sectioning hair that I’ve used for years. Thanks to Conair for the explanatory video!

How to Section Hair into 5 Easy to Manage Panels

  1. Start with the top. Comb straight back, and take a 3 inch wide section from forehead to crown and clip.
  2. Part your hair on the sides. Take a vertical section from hairline to behind the ear on each side and clip.
  3. Section hair along the back. Split hair vertically down the middle, and clip each side.

Achieve Your Dream Look Simply

Begin at the back or sides. Drop down approximately a two inch section of hair at a time. This will keep things manageable and allow you to blow dry, curl, or straighten a section of hair only once.  Want another added bonus? You won’t miss styling any parts of your hair by following this method!


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How to Do Your Hair – Sectioning


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