Static hair, it’s that time of year!

f26c7 Static Hair

Static Control is on Lots of Minds These Days

Static control hair styling remedies is a topic that comes up every year at this time in my Finding the Right Hairstyle for You! class.

“Static Control Tips”

If you are a regular reader, you know I live in Minnesota, where we say, “If you don’t like the weather, just hang around a while, it will change.” And, in winter it does! When the temp dips below zero, well, you can imagine, everywhere we go they are pumping out forced heat–big time, drying everything out. Even being outdoors can add its own artistic effect on how we look. We slather on skin moisturizers and give in to “hat hair.”

You don’t need to give in to static controlled hair however, here are some simple remedies that may save you many a bad hair day!

What causes all this static? It’s basically, dry air and dry hair.

What can you do?  

  • Buy a trial size leave-in conditioner spray
  • Carry a fabric softener sheet, like Bounce, in your coat pocket and rub it over your hair when needed.
  • Spray your brush with an anti static control spray, like Static Guard and brush though your hair.
  • Carry a small container with leave-in conditioner with you, rub on a small amount to the ends of your hair.
  • Spray your hairspray onto a brush and brush through your hair.
  • Consider switching to a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. Dry hair does equal static filled hair in winter conditions.
  • Anti static control hair styling tools, hair dryers, irons, brushes, hot rollers etc. may help.

Hair care routine is really important this time of year as attested to by this winter hair article at Visual-Makeover.  You may only need one of these remedies to do the trick for you, so don’t give in – fight back! There are a lot of products out there that can help you out and you can Compare prices on static control hair care products at Amazon.

For more winter hair ideas check out our Pinterest Winter Hair Tips board.


For further discussion on winter hair you might want to also visit these articles:

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Static hair, it’s that time of year!


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